"It is essential that we keep moving Covington forward. By adopting the Mayor-Council plan, Covington’s government will be more efficient and accountable to the city’s residents.”- Mayor Joseph Meyer
Endorsed by Leaders
from Across Covington
Covington Mayor Joseph Meyer
Former Mayors Denny Bowman
Former Mayor Chuck Scheper
Former City Commissioner Steve Frank
Former City Commissioner Shawn Masters
Former City Commissioner Steve Casper
Former City Commissioner Alex Edmondson
Former City Commissioner Rob Sanders
Former City Manager Loren Wolff
Why change Covington's Form of Government?
By transitioning to a Mayor-Council form of government, the City of Covington’s government will be more accountable to the needs of citizens. The mayor will be empowered to manage the day-to-day business of the city allowing immediate and decisive action to take place.
Will the transition result in a change in the number of commissioners?
Yes, under the Mayor-Council form of government, the council will be expanded to at least six members. This will result in a more diverse set of viewpoints being heard.
Are there other cities using the City Manager form of government in Kenton County?
No, Covington is the only city in Kenton County with a City Manager form of government. In fact, Independence and Erlanger both utilize the Mayor-Council form of government as do over half of Kentucky’s other cities.
Where can I learn more?
Several Northern Kentucky news agencies have created independent articles discussing the project:
LINK nky
Committee Forms to Convert Covington's City Government
Northern Kentucky Tribune
Forward Covington Intends to Put Mayor-Council Form of Government on November Ballot